Nelson Ting
- Email:
- Office: 302B Condon Hall
- Phone: 541-346-5509
- Lab: 7B Pacific Hall
- Lab phone: 541-346-8878
- Lab Website
Research Interests
Molecular ecology; ecological genetics/genomics; evolutionary ecology; conservation
I am broadly interested in the application of genetics and genomics to understanding how evolutionary and ecological processes shape diversity in wildlife populations, focusing particularly on non-human primates. What started as nascent interests in evolutionary anatomy led me to molecular systematics and conservation genetics, which further developed into phylogeographic and population genetic approaches to reconstructing population history. More recently, my interests have incorporated landscape genetics, immunogenetics, and host-microbe interactions. While these interests vary, they overlap in combining fieldwork with lab work to generate a better understanding of conservation and health in natural populations.
Selected Publications
Ruiz-Lopez, M.J., C. Barelli, F. Rovero, K. Hodges, C. Roos, W.E.
Peterman, N. Ting. 2016. A novel landscape genetics approach demonstrates the effects of human disturbance on the Udzungwa red colobus monkey (Procolobus gordonorum). Heredity. 116: 167-176.
Wikberg, E.C., P. Sicotte, F.A. Campos, N. Ting. 2012. Variation in female dispersal, kin composition of groups, and proximity patterns in the white-thighed colobus monkey (Colobus vellerosus). PLoS ONE. 7(11): e48740.
Ting, N. 2008. Mitochondrial relationships and divergence dates of the African colobines: Evidence of Miocene origins for the living colobus monkeys. Journal of Human Evolution. 55: 312-325.
Ting, N., A.J. Tosi, Y.-P. Zhang, Y. Li, T.R. Disotell. 2008.Phylogenetic incongruence between nuclear and mitochondrial markers in the Asian colobines and the evolution of the langurs and leaf monkeys.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 46: 466-474.