John Conery
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- Office: 280 Onyx Bridge
- Phone: 541-346-8870
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Research Interests
Selected Publications
Catchen, J. M., Conery, J. S., and Postlethwait, J. H. (2009). Automated identification of conserved synteny after whole-genome duplication. Genome Res, 19(8):1497–1505.
Conery, J. S. (2007). Aligning sequences by minimum description length. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. doi:10.1155/2007/72936.
Dunn, N. A., Conery, J. S., and Lockery, S. R. (2007). Circuit motifs for spatial orientation behaviors identified by neural network optimization. J Neurophysiol, 98(2):888–897.
Conery, J., Catchen, J., and Lynch, M. (2005). Rule-based workflow management for bioinformatics. VLDB Journal, 14(3):318–329.
Lynch, M. and Conery, J. S. (2003). The origins of genome complexity. Science, 302(5649):1401–4. Lynch, M. and Conery, J. S. (2000). The evolutionary fate and consequences of duplicate genes. Science, 290(5494):1151–5.
CIS 170: The Science of Computing
CIS 454/554: Bioinformatics
CIS 455/555: Computational Science