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University of Oregon

Plankton Genetics Highlighted at JASM

A special session on “Advances in Population Genetics and Population Genomics of Plankton” proposed by Michelle Wood and Karin Rengefors (recent CEEB seminar speaker) has been approved for the May, 2014, Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Portland, Oregon. JASM is a joint international meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), the Phycological Society of America (PSA), Society for Wetland Science (SWS), and the Society for Freshwater Science (formerly NABS). Karin and Michelle are joined with scientists from Finland and Germany in organizing this special session that will highlight applications of generation sequencing methods and other approaches to the study of population genetic change and adaptation in these globally important organisms. For more information on JASM, see